Child Protection Policy

Oakley Tennis Club

Child Protection Policy

  • Oakley Tennis club seeks to provide a pleasant and enjoyable environment for all juniors who participate in any of the sporting or social activities organised by the club.
  • We are committed to the belief that it is the right of juniors to be safe, happy, protected and without threat.
  • We believe that children and young people have the right to be treated with respect and that any concerns expressed by them will be listened to and acted upon as necessary.
  • We will meet the needs of juniors by safely providing access, facilities and activities as appropriate.
  • We have established strategies to attend to poor practice and to support young people who may be at risk or who appear to be abused. We will offer help if a child makes us aware that they are in these situations.
  • We will seek to make sure that club volunteers or professionals working with our junior members are suitable to do so by checking references and making background checks.
  • We will vet all relevant people through the services of the Criminal Record Bureau.
  • Trevor Woods is the designated adult club member responsible for child protection. This member’s name and contact details are available to all members.
  • This policy will be displayed where members, including juniors, can clearly see it.